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Adina Brunetti: Visual Information In Digital Marketing. Surprising Facts

Adina Brunetti: Visual Information In Digital Marketing. Surprising Facts

What do you think is the average duration of a person's attention span? A minute or two? It would be nice, but, unfortunately, this figure is much less impressive - only 8 seconds.

According to recent research, the use of visual objects increases the length of the user's stay on a website by 10 times. Information visualization is one of the most effective and proven digital marketing tools. The following statistics once again confirm this statement.

The average user reads only 20% of the text content of a web page.
Users are 30 times more likely to be exposed to information presented in the form of infographics than in any other format.

Since 65% of the world's population is visual, people are 40% more likely to respond to information provided with illustrative materials. This pattern is typical not only for the virtual space: for example, textbooks and instructions with detailed diagrams are remembered 323% more effectively than without them.

A century ago, a person absorbed the amount of information equivalent to the volume of 50 books throughout her life. Today, in spite of the excessive media competence of a modern person, the volume of information we perceive has increased 5 times in comparison with 1986.

Visual Revolution

Using infographics increases traffic by 250%.

Users are 40 times more likely to share infographics on social media.

TOP 6 social networks for infographics: Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest.

The human central nervous system processes visual data at a rate of 250 milliseconds.

The neurons responsible for processing visual information form 30% of the gray matter, while the neurons responsible for hearing and tactile sensations form only 8% and 3%, respectively.

Approximately 36,000 objects fall into the field of view of a person within an hour.

The use of illustrative and graphic materials improves the learning process by 400%.

46.1% of users consider website design to be the main criterion for the usefulness and memorability of the information presented.


1. Visual tools must match the brand.

Design cannot be a whim of an art director who "sees it this way." The design should clearly reflect the essence of the brand and comply with a unified brand visualization system. Of course, the cat and Comic Sans on your bank's website will attract the attention of users, but most likely it will not be the attention that you expected.

2. Timeliness is important not only for texts, but also for images.

The visualized content associated with a specific event will be able to easily and quickly explain to users a new market trend, present a large amount of information, and at the same time not overload with unnecessary data.

3. Adapt!

Each audience and communication channel dictates its own rules regarding size, type of image and much more. Do not be too lazy to pay attention to each of them and take into account all the requirements and features - hard work will pay off with involvement.

4. Don't forget your sense of humor.

Even a serious brand can afford freedom. It is not necessary to slip into boring quotes and gifs, but the unusual presentation of the usual mailing list and insider jokes, which only people from the industry will understand, may well give you loyal readers.

5. An individual approach.

Your content can help people, the main thing is to figure out exactly how. Study your target audience and work for its interests, solve its problems.

6. Chat with users in real time.

Do not be afraid of your readers - they can talk about problems that you did not know existed. You will be the first to offer your solution, ahead of unsociable (or unloved?) Competitors.

7. Satisfy the curiosity of the readers.

Feel free to introduce users to your company. And don't forget about business: update infographics with new rates, promotions and services - help the reader understand your value to him.

8. Add images to your mailing list.

An image associated with the topic of the newsletter and allowing you to better understand what is at stake will not only fill a boring email with color, but also increase conversion.

9. Think about the user.

Once you learn to see live people on the other side of the monitor and realize that you can solve the problems that prevent them from sleeping, things will go much more fun. Examine your client's habits, problems, and dreams. Now think about how you can solve them.

10. Don't forget about your website.

The visual design of your website should overlap with the visuals you post on social media, email newsletters, and other forms of marketing communications. A uniform color scheme and use of identity will help the reader understand what to expect from the site. Plus, it's stylish.

3D Visualizations

3D visualization is a photorealistic three-dimensional perspective image of the design solution of a room or a number of interconnected spaces of a building.

Using 3D visualizations in planning and presentation, adding 3D visualization to your website or social media presents your brand at innovative and professional level.

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